Consciously Creating Your Reality
A number of people have asked me why I chose the name Conscious Creates for my business. When I came across this video by Deepak Chopra I knew I wanted to share it because Deepak addresses a viewers question on the idea that we create our own reality. Watch the video HERE and I will discuss the main points covered that I believe illuminates the concept of how we create our reality. It is both simple and complex.
I hope you enjoyed the video and it has you thinking about the idea of consciously creating your reality. Some of the key points that Deepak makes are the idea that everything (including us) is awareness experiencing itself. In that concept we are all one awareness, the same awareness experiencing each other as ourselves. And that state of awareness is joy- our fundamental nature. Ego is what creates separation, me and other and that is when we have lost the memory of who we really are and see others as separate from ourselves.
The way we repair this separation is by putting our fundamental awareness back together and return to our original state of pure joy, love and creativity. At that level we can then ask, what do we want? In the asking of that is the organizing principle to create what we want. Everything that we want can be created from that level of awareness. At that level we are creators, we reconstruct and become that which we want to construct. You as awareness organizes itself through self organization and becomes the reality you want to experience. That which we experience is our own creation at the most fundamental level. Consciousness concedes, governs, instructs and becomes what we call reality.
Mind-blowing stuff and yet simple and so true! To me, this is not something that you can grasp as a mental construct. It is something to be experienced. It is what athletes may call being in the flow- pure consciousness creating your highest level of performance, uninterrupted. This is why we do many of the practices that we do-yoga, meditation, healthy diet, personal development. This primes us and makes us better able to experience pure source, to become creators, consciously creating and experiencing our best selves.
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Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
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