About Me

My Life, My Story

I am a health and wellbeing junkie who is passionate about helping you create your best life!  I connected with yoga many years ago and that has been my guiding light in business and in life.  Add in nutrition, a bit of meditation and some personal development and you have a foundation for creating your best life!


I am fortunate to have a great job in the tourism and hospitality industry overseeing operations and planning fun activities and events for my fellow Philadelphians and visitors to our region to enjoy.  My side passion and what has allowed me to excel at my career has been my commitment to yoga and all things health related.  This has helped me to manage the job related stress that comes with managing busy operations and pressures that we all face “on the job.”


A number of years ago I realized I had achieved many of the things that I had been working for both personally and professionally and began to look around at what was next for me.

I had been reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield (personal development :-))  and decided to sign up for a workshop to see if i was remotely applying these techniques correctly.  Despite my fears of what was in store, hugging with strangers and massage trains- these both happened!- I actually really enjoyed the workshop, resonated with the material and found that it was just what I had been looking for.  It was the beginning of identifying what I now consider to be my life purpose:  To globally help people to improve their lives and inspire/empower them to fulfill their dreams through yoga, Success Principles,  Radical Wellbeing and photography.  I was onto my next steps.


Fast forward a few years and I have re-upped my yoga certification training, been mentored personally by Jack Canfield at a private retreat at his home in Santa Barbara as well as become a certified Canfield trainer in The Success Principles.  I studied with Deepak Chopra in his Radical Wellbeing program and learned his vision for how to redefine wellbeing in the corporate world.  I have recommitted to my passion for photography which has lead me to amazing workshops with the fabulous Carla Coulson in Australia and Italy and lead my first wellbeing workshop on life purpose in Amman, Jordan.  Most recently, I completed my certification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.


This is what inspires me and this is what I hope to help create for others.  A life of wellbeing, health, fulfillment and passion.  Achieving your goals and seeing your dreams come true.  I continue to be inspired to work with businesses to create a culture of health and wellbeing both for the company, the executives and the people that work there.  I look forward to working with you to create your best life!

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